Ganky Guns

--Web Security--

Properties That Give Access to User Info via Web App

Property Description
navigator.geolocation Returns a geolocation object that can be used to extract information Determines whether the browser is currently online.
navigator.userAgent Returns information about the browser, platform name, and compatibility
screen.pixelDepth Returns the color resolution in bits per pixel of the screen
screen.width Returns the total width of the screen in pixels
screen.height Returns the total width of the screen in pixels

Web Safety Practices

Practice Summary
Mantain confidentiality

Never use of unsecure Wi-Fi access points when connecting for banking/financial transaction but do use firewalls and strong passwords to keep your devices safe and secure.

Keep mobel devices & laptop safe

Unattended computers should have there screen locked and if you carry devices never leave them in a vehicle as this makes them an easy target for criminals.

Share with care

Encourage thoughtful sharing Create guidelines about what kind of communication is appropriate and Keep personal details about people private.