About Me

Hello, my name is Adam Urchison. I'm a senior Applied Computing major at Pennsyvania Western University.

I'm from Greensburg PA, and transferred to Edinboro from my county's community college in Fall 2021.

I have many interests, but reading, gaming, and gardening are among my favorite activities.

Other than hobbies and classes, I also spend a fair amount of time working as a Student Technician here in Ross Hall.

Project Information

Case 1: Create a base website on the topic of your choice, Create at least 4 pages and a common navigation layout

(Solution) The pages you are currently on. I initially had other ideas, but changed it to fit the course better. Now the focus of the site is to post my own essays, and demo projects I am working on.

Case 2: Somewhere on your page add a feature that uses a function to perform at least one mathmatic calculation based on user input.

(Solution) Get the input of the user for the dimensions of a garden plot, and a drop down for type of plant. The type of plant chosen will decide the space needed per plant, and the final calculation will result in the max amount that can be planted in that area.